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Try on digital fashion with the DRESSX app for free



$30.00 USD

    Scotomalab is a digital atelier based in Paris, France. It was born from a desire to synergise the team's diverse and specific skill sets, experiment, research and explore new solutions in an effort to find better alternatives to current industry paradigms. Constantly pushing forward, the Scotomalab strives to use cutting-edge tools and processes to solve contemporary problems while keeping in mind cost-effectiveness alongside environmental and ethical issues.

    Through Scotomalab collaboration with DressX, the team aims to spread awareness about the current environmental issues and raise funds for the dedicated charities. The capsule features three digital garments representing three different charity organizations: PETA, Extinction Rebellion, and The Sea Shepherd. The proceeds from the sales of each of the garments will be donated to the charities respectively.

    The revenue from this digital T-shirt will be donated to Sea Shepherd Conservation Society. 

    Sea Shepherd Conservation Society (SSCS) is a marine conservation organization founded in 1977. Its mission is to stop the slaughter of marine wildlife and to protect marine habitat from destruction. The organization uses a variety of methods to act out their mission, from media to property destruction. During the 2010 campaign, SSCS managed to prevent Japanese whalers from killing half of their quota saving over 500 whales.

    Digital clothes fit all sizes.

    You’re saving:

    252 DAYS

    Charging a mobile phone daily

    9.6 kg of CO2

    3 YEARS

    drinking 2 l of water daily

    2333 L of water