
Sustainability & Responsibility

Our team is an essential part of DressX success. We believe it is important to discuss with the team how we can drive positive change across the global fashion industry and support the achievement of the SDGs by 2030. Thus, we are launching an internal sustainability workshop to provide knowledge about SDGs and how they link to the fashion industry, so that we can make meaningful changes all together.

Diversity & Gender Equality

In DressX, the designers and the team members are from all around the world. We encourage the team diversity and support gender equality. As our company grows, we will be implementing strategies and tools to empower women in their professional paths.

Child labor

In Cambodia, a person is considered legally able to work from the age of 15, but many enterprises ignore this law and hire girls from the age of 12. These children are dropping out of school to get a job because their families live in poverty. According to UNICEF and the International Labor Organization, around 170 million children are employed in the clothing industry worldwide. In DressX there are no underaged workers, though the youngest employee is in his 20s. By offering jobs to young and prospective students, we encourage the development of a new generation that will eventually make a huge impact on the whole industry and its problematic issues by absorbing the knowledge and standards we endorse in DressX: innovation, sustainability, responsible consumption and production. We see the same pattern for other digital fashion retailers: as the new industry is built around a different concept of mass production that can be scalable not via workforce, but automatically, digital fashion can help to tackle the problem of underaged garment workers.

Working conditions

It is known for decades: most of our physical clothes are made in the countries in which workers’ rights are limited or non-existent. In fact, many production sites have non-safe working conditions; many fashion brands pay the minimum legal wage which represents between half to a fifth of the living wage. As a rule, almost all digital fashion producers are international and global. The employees are not tied to a factory, plant, or office, which means that everyone can work from anywhere and the only equipment needed — computer and the Internet. For example, in DressX there is always an open option to work from home, which really comes in handy during the lockdown. The other option is to work from co-workings or hubs that are fully fire safe, provided with delicious snaсks and effective networking during lunchtime.

Work speed

The demand for non-stop clothing production is creating unbelievable new limits to the workforce. Women are the prevailing workforce in fashion production. And if a woman gets pregnant, she encounters a wage-cut or even loses her job. Working overtime without a pay rise is common practice as well. Sometimes employees even stay at the factory overnight in order to meet the company’s established norm. And the norm is shocking — on average, one worker produces 250 T-shirts in an hour for the 45 dollar salary. In digital garments production the main goal is not the speed, but the quality. The item is being 3D rendered and can be used billion times, which does not require overnight stays at the factory to satisfy the growing demand. It takes 30 minutes to create a T-shirt and up to 5 hours to create a more complex look — both of them can be used endlessly.

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